There could be times when you have to repeat an action a number of times. When an email is not delivered, you may have to retry three or four times, for example.Now, in a real work program to send a message to a user you may have to write about 5 to 10 lines of code. Now, imagine having to repeat this for 3 times. You really don’t want to repeat all that code 3 times. This is when loop python comes in.
Loops: What are they?
Loops are a control flow structure in programming that repeat a block of code a specified number of times or until a certain condition is met. In Python, there are two types of loops: "for loops" and "while loops”.

Do you know when these “for loops” and “while loops” are used? Let us know more here.
1. “ for loops”: It is used to iterate over a sequence of elements (e.g. lists, tuples, dictionaries) or a range of numbers. They are often used for tasks such as processing items in a list, repeating a task for a specific number of times, and going through the elements of an array.

In this example, the for loop will iterate over the list fruits, and for each item (fruit), it will print the value of fruit. The loop will run 3 times (once for each item in the list), and the output will be:

2. “while loops”: They are used to repeat a block of code as long as a certain condition is met. The code inside the while loop is executed repeatedly until the condition becomes false. While loops are used for situations where you don't know beforehand how many times you need to loop, such as waiting for user input or iterating until a certain condition is met. They are also useful when you need to repeatedly execute a set of statements as long as a condition is true, such as performing a certain task until it has been completed successfully.

In this example, the loop will continue to run as long as count is less than 5. Each time the loop runs, the value of count is increased by 1, until it reaches 5 and the loop stops. The output is given below:

The loops in Python are a crucial aspect of programming as they provide a way to automate repetitive tasks and make the code more efficient and effective. Understanding the use cases of these loops and knowing how to implement them is an important skill for any Python programmer. By leveraging the power of loops, you can simplify complex tasks and write cleaner, more manageable code. To master coding and know more details of the course, you can visit the keySkillset Python coding.
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