Alt A Data

Alt A Data

Welcome back to our Excel training session, where we delve into the intricacies of ribbon navigation. In this instalment, we will focus on the "Alt+A" command, which opens up the data tab. By mastering this shortcut, you'll gain a deeper understanding of data manipulation and enhance your efficiency within Excel. So let's dive in!

Activating Hotkeys:

To activate all the hotkeys on the ribbon, simply press the "Alt" key. It's important to note that you need to click each button individually, not simultaneously. For instance, if you want to access the "Insert" menu, press the "Alt" key and then press the "M" button.

Sorting Data:

Sorting data is crucial for organizing information effectively. To sort your data, follow these steps: the table containing your data by pressing "Ctrl" and the right arrow key. Access the "Data" menu by pressing "Alt+A." Within the "Data" menu, select the "Sort" option by pressing "S." In the sorting window, navigate to the column you wish to sort by, using the down arrow key. Press "Enter" to select the desired column. By default, the sorting order is set to smallest to largest. To change it, use the "Tab" key to navigate to the "Order" menu. Press the down arrow key to open the drop-down menu and select "Largest to Smallest." Finally, press "Enter" to apply the sorting.

Filtering Data:

Filtering allows you to extract specific information from a dataset quickly. Here's how you can filter your data: Highlight the table you want to filter. Open the "Data" tab by pressing "Alt+A." Press "T" to enable filtering for each column in the first row. To filter specific data, click on the filter button (a small button beside each cell) and select the desired criteria. For example, if you want to filter cities for "New York," select it from the drop-down menu. Your data will now be filtered, displaying only the rows that meet the chosen criteria. To remove the filters and display the entire dataset again, press "Alt+A" followed by "T."

Removing Duplicates:

To eliminate duplicate entries from your dataset, use the "Remove Duplicates" feature: Open the "Data" tab by pressing "Alt+A." Press "M" to access the "Remove Duplicates" menu. Select the columns that contain duplicates by pressing the "Tab" key to navigate and the "Spacebar" to check the desired boxes. Press "Enter" to initiate the removal process. After removing duplicates, you'll be left with only the unique values in your selected columns.

Grouping and Ungrouping Data:

Grouping data allows you to collapse or expand rows for better visibility. Here's how to do it:Highlight the rows you want to group.Press "Alt+A" to open the "Data" tab.Press "G" twice to access the group menu and group the selected rows.To collapse a group, press "Alt+A" and then "H."To expand a collapsed group, press "Alt+A" and then "J."If you want to ungroup previously grouped rows, press "Alt+A," followed by "U."

Text to Columns:

The "Text to Columns" feature enables you to split text into separate columns based on a chosen delimiter. Here's how: Highlight the range of text you want to split. Open the "Data" tab by pressing "Alt+A." Press "E" to access the "Text to Columns" menu. Press "Alt+S" to change the delimiter to a space, if necessary. Preview the data to ensure correct separation. Press "Alt+N" to move to the next step. Finally, press "Alt+F4" to finish and apply the "Text to Columns" action.


By mastering the "Alt+A" commands within the data tab, you're now equipped with powerful tools for sorting, filtering, removing duplicates, grouping, ungrouping, and performing text-to-columns conversions. Remember to practice and explore Excel further to boost your skills and efficiency. For additional resources, we recommend visiting our website,, where you can access our simulation based platform to further enhance your muscle memory and become a true Excel pro. Thank you for joining us, and we wish you a productive and successful Excel journey!